Pokkén Tournament DX Personal tier list

10 min readSep 22, 2023


My personal tier list for Pokkén Tournament DX.

Tier list are list made by players for share their opinions(sometimes offensive opinions against certain characters)about the characters of a game.Here i write my personal tier list about all the Pokkén Tournament DX’s characters and what i think about all of them with their point of force and weaknesses.Since these are just opinions and an official tier list doesn’t exist, you’re free to disagree.

Top Tier characters(S): These characters are Pokémon that are balanced in strenght and flawless.The characters that share the some placement means that are interchargeable and that they are powerful in different ways.

1)Aegislash/Pikachu Libre/Machamp

4)Gengar/Decidueye/Mewtwo/Shadow Mewtwo/Garchomp


-Aegislash: One of the best character of the game. Good in both field and in duel phase and he can change his form for enhance himself or inflict debuffs to his opponents. He has a lot of moves that leave him punishable but in any case he’s very good.The real problem is that it’s really difficult to master.

-Pikachu Libre: This is the character that everyone are afraid to fight in every type of battles. She’s the safest character of the game and she can easily buff herself and debuff the opponent on the same phase with electroweb. Her Burst Mode it’s really powerful because enhance all her moves but her Burst Attack has a medium range compared to the other characters.

-Machamp: Another character that everyone have afraid to fight.His moveset it’s pretty balanced in terms of normal,grab and counter attacks but his most powerful moves are all grabs. He’s slow and his field phase isn’t that great but he can become a great anti-zoner with Karate Chop.But the fact that he can go through the Burst Wave with 2X>R make Machamp a really dangerous character also when you’re in Burst Mode.In addition he can Perfect Block in both field and duel phase when the other characters can Perfect block only in field phase.

-Gengar:Gengar is another underrated character. His field phase is really stressful for quite every character and he becomes really dangerous when he becomes Mega Gengar. He’s able to absorb your Synergy Energy with all his Grabs. Pokkén Players may have problems into learning his combos.Don’t underestimate him.

-Decidueye:Another really good character.His aerial gameplay is the best of the game and his evasiveness let him avoid a lot of attacks. His Soaring Stance’s special jump let him avoid all the anti-air attacks(except Empoleon’s Drill Peck 😤,i’m not joking😠).His best move is without doubt Spirit Shackle(can be erased by Machamp’s Karate Chop and Empoleon’s Defog)that erase projectiles and give to his opponents an exclusive debuff(No Support Pokémon)on the same time.

-Mewtwo: Mewtwo is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the main game and in Pokkén has the same power as well. His field phase is one of the best of the game. Despite he can’t fill his Synergy Mode easily,he’s really powerful also against Burst opponents.

-Shadow Mewtwo: considered the Glass Cannon of the game,this clone of Mewtwo is really powerful like his good “brother". His field phase is really oppressive for characters that doesn’t have moves that erase projectiles in their first frames (like Empoleon’s Defog,Decidueye’s Spirit Shackle and Machamp’s Karate Chop)because a few of his moves can be removed,when the rest of his projectiles tracks opponents and break counter attacks. His duel phase is powerful as well. His weakness are that his jAB Earthquake is the only low move that can be grabbed by every normal grab attacks first that Mewtwo hit the ground and a lot of his attacks can be antiaired(like his Counter Attack) and that he has the lowest HP of the game that can be recovered with Recover. But Shadow Mewtwo fill his Synergy Gauge faster than the other characters and,despite his Synergy Mode is the shortest of the game,it’s also the most powerful Synergy Mode of the game with one of the most powerful Burst Attack of the game in terms of power and range.

-Garchomp: This is another powerful character. With his High Stance he blocks Lows,Mid Lows and Special Mid moves on frame 17 and cause damage if the opponent use a physical move that has one of these three categories of height(example Bone Rush,Quick attack or the classic 2X).His Stone Edge is one of the most powerful counter attack if used correctly and his Burst Attack grants Counter Armor on frame 1. His combos are really hard to master.

-Lucario:Lucario is probably one of the weakest Top Tier character alongside Empoleon and Weavile.With his 13 unsafe moves in field phase and 14 unsafe moves on duel phase(the some number of unsafe moves as Empoleon’s),he’s the most punishable top tier character alongside Aegislash and Mewtwo. His good moves are Aura Sphere(that can be erased by Machamp’s Karate Chop,Empoleon’s Defog,Decidueye’s Spirit Shackle and Charizard’s j6Y without problems),Bone Rush and his followUps(Can be Countered without problems)ExtremeSpeed(his most unsafe move but also the fastest Counter Attack),Force Palm(Counterable also if Charged) and 6X/6]X[(his best moves without doubt).When becomes Mega Lucario he becomes more powerful but his unsafe moves remain the same as Lucario’s.

-Darkrai:The only problem of Darkrai is that he’s the most difficult character to master alongside Aegislash but when you’re able to master him he becomes one of the most powerful character of the game.Darkrai’s field phase is really stressful for quite all the characters(except for Empoleon and Decidueye that can use their Defog and Spirit Shackle for remove some of his Projectiles) and he become more powerful when he enter his Bad Dream Rising Mode.Underestimate him and your battle become immediately a bad dream with a bad end for you(Defeat).

-Empoleon:The entire community consider Empoleon one of the worst character of the game based on what they see online and because of the bad experiences that the Empoleon’s players have with him in general.All of these opinions heavily underestimate the real strenght of Empoleon. He’s one of the best anti-zoners alongside Machamp and Decidueye with his Defog,his 2X and 2]X[ are one of the best of the game,he can create a lot of space with 1]X[ for avoid a lot of punishments and Burst attacks and it’s one of the few characters at have a frame 1 inv against highs on frame 1.Despite everyone think that Empoleon doesn’t have anti airs,he has 3 good anti-airs(bY,Defog>Waterfall and Slide X)in field phase and 4 good antiairs(8Y,4X,Defog>Waterfall,Backward Slide X)in duel phase.His field phase is one of the best of the game,when his duel phase is a little worse. Aqua Jet is a quite good whiff punisher and grunts him frame 5 invincibility against all Low attacks of the game.His field phase’s forward/back/side dashes and duel phase’s forward/back dash are one of the best of the game since these give to Empoleon a frame 5 invincibility against Low attacks(and let him avoid also Mewtwo’s and Gengar’s Burst Attack if well timed)and his i21 Homing Attack has a really high priority and can be beated only by i17 frame’s homing attacks. His Backdash give him a full invincibility against all Low attacks of the game.The real problem is that his Slide Stance in duel phase don’t give him enough coverage against Highs/MidHighs and Special Mids,especially when he enter the Slide Stance by using his Charged Ice Beam(where he can slide and jump only forward).His grab is unreliable,Aqua Jet without the end lag will be the best whiff punisher of the game and his Burst Attack is one of the slowest of the game at the some time but also this move will be useful if used correctly.But after all Empoleon is better than what the community and the Empoleon’s players think about him.He’s the most Underrated and Underplayed character of the game.His combos are quite easily to master but they’ll find problems at learning the surf cancel.

Braixen: This character is really annoying to face because most of her players like to spam her projectiles in field/duel phase but if you know how to beat her zoning attacks she becomes pretty weak. A lot of her moves are projectiles that can be erased without difficulty by the aforementioned Defog,Karate Chop and Spirit Shackle but she’s able to remove your zoning game with Light Screen and powerUp herself with Sunny Day and/or a Support Pokémon. Without doubt a strong character to face but if you neutralize her moves you can beat her. Her 4X give her a frame 1-8 of invincibility against all physical attacks of every type except if these attacks are multi-hit attacks like Aqua Jet,Quick Attack or some Burst Attack like ThunderClap Press or Aura Blast. Overall she’s a good character but quite difficult to master.

-Sceptile:Sceptile is the fastest character of the game and can use his seeds for trap opponents,Pokemon like Empoleon or Decidueye can beat his weak seeds also from afar and pokemon like Weavile/Pikachu Libre can go over it. But Sceptile has Leaf Blade,Detect and his Burst Attack which can help him beat normal attacks also from afar(especially Leaf Blade).Leaf Storm beats all the MidHighs/Highs/Special Mids moves and also some moves which leave the opponent into an aerial state. Don’t underestimate Sceptile but beat him while he tries to set up his seeds.Most of his best moves(like 5X/5]X[)can be beated with antiaerials or Low Stance.

-Weavile:Weavile is able to weakened Burst Modes with his Taunt and Knock Off remove part of opponent’s Synergy Burst. jA Icicle Clash give him the possibility to jump both forward and backward for play a good aerial game.His Burst Attack has Counter Properties and it’s unjumpable and good for catch opponents that like to use aerial attacks.Don’t underestimate Weavile. He’s another character that is quite difficult to master.

-Pikachu:Pikachu is another underplayed character with a lot of potential like Empoleon and he has pretty low representation. Pikachu can count on Volt Tackle that beat every attack that doesn’t break counter Attacks like Extreme Speed and his Synergy Burst Mode is pretty powerful that powerUp is already intimidating Volt Tackle with a FollowUp. His Release Y give a frame 1 invincibility against all Highs/Mid Highs and Special Mid attacks and it can be used for punish these type of moves also if used during Pikachu’s Wake Up state. His Burst Attack has high priority,has also a really long range and track opponents in field phase. Don’t sleep on the rat.

-Gardevoir: she’s another underrated character of the game, one of the most difficult to master. Her zoning gameplay in field phase are one of the best of the game and it isn’t easy to win a field phase against her(also because she can definitely lock you in field phase if you don’t find a way to go out of her moves since most of her field phase’s moves can be used without cause a phase shift). When she enter the duel phase her 8Y is her best moves since it go through Burst Armor also if she isn’t in Burst Mode. A little suggestion, never jump against Gardevoir or jump only when it’s the right moment.

-Chandelure:Chandelure has really long range moves that let her catch opponents also from afar and most of her moves breaks counter attacks.Her projectiles have the highest priority and it’s really difficult to beat her in field phase.Don’t underestimate her.

-Scizor: Scizor is a powerful Pokémon that can use his Sword Dance for use follow Up moves after certain moves and his Hover Dash for avoid certain projectiles. His Burst Attack is the only Mid High attack of the game that can’t be antiaired by normal moves like 8Y(but you can beat it with Leaf Storm).A good choice if you want power and beautiful moves in one Pokémon. He’s quite difficult to master.

High Tier Characters(S-): they are all good characters as well but they have something missing that can’t be considered Top Tier Characters but can beat Top Tier Characters if used properly.The characters that share the some placement means that are interchargeable and that they are powerful in different ways.


-Suicune:Suicune has some long range moves(like his Burst attack)and two really good antiair moves like his 8Y and Aurora Beam. It isn’t easy to approach him but a good amount of the roster has more than one moves useful for beat his projectiles(Empoleon has Defog,Surf and Rock Smash)

-Blaziken: Blaziken is a pure Rushdown character that use his own HP for PowerUp his moves. Most of his moves are High/Mid High attacks so he suffer a lot against characters that have good anti-airs like Lucario,Empoleon,Braixen and Chandelure. His best move is without doubt his 8A Sky Uppercut that give him a frame 1 invincibility against all the projectiles(it beats also Gardevoir and Suicune’s Burst Attacks,thing that Defog,Karate Chop and Spirit Shuckle can’t do) and his field phases’s Forward/Back and Side Dashes are the best of the game.His Burst attack has tracking in Field Phase.

-Croagunk:Croagunk is a character that can become pretty annoying to face in any case. He receives buffs?Good for him,he’ll put a really good amount of pressure.He receives Debuffs and the opponent buffs? With Thief he can get that buffs or use that debuffs for powerUp some of his moves. Also he can powerUp himself and receive some buffs if you’re lucky enough. Don’t laugh on Croagunk once you fight one.

-Charizard:Charizard has a lot of moves that damages himself and can catch opponent that shield a lot with Seismic Toss or his normal grab. His jA has the biggest hitbox and beat almost all the High/Mid High attacks.Some of his moves like j6Y(that beat non invincible projectiles too)2X or Flamethrower have also long range and his Burst Attack is really hard to beat.Though if you let them attack quite all the roster are able to beat his pressure since most of his moves are Highs(Seismic Toss,j6Y)or Mid Highs.

-Blastoise:Blastoise’s mostly reliable move is without doubt Water Sprout but also his other moves can be good if the opponent don’t know the MU at all.Don’t underestimate Blastoise.

Here’s the tier list based on the two respective phases(tier ordered,if a Pokémon is in the same tier means that they’ve equal strenght):

Field Phase:

Duel Phase:

Well,also this article is finished. Please be respectful of my opinions like i do with yours since first to write this article i lab every character of the game. See you in the next article.




Written by ItalNapoleon

Here you can find writed guides about the Emperor Pokémon Empoleon(Pokkèn Tournament DX, VGC,ecc).

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