Pokémon VGC Empoleon in-Depth guide

26 min readFeb 1, 2021


Here i explain some tips and tricks to make your Empoleon competitive in each game and you can see all the useful moves that Empoleon can learn in all the main series(except SW/SH since it isn’t in the game)

Hello Empoleon fans,welcome in this VGC guide for Empoleon. Are you a new player of this popular format and you don’t know how to make your Pokémon competitive?Well here you can how to make your Empoleon(and your other Pokémon,remember each member of the team is important for win a battle)in each game. Here we go.

Pokémon type’s matchup chart

Each Pokémon has a specific type that will be strong or weak to another Pokémon’s type. Pokémon which have double type will give it more resistances or weakness. Here you’ll see the type’s MU chart.

Status’s conditions and weather’s conditions

Status’s conditions and weather’s conditions can help a lot during a battle but also for catch a Pokémon. Here’s the explanation for each of them:

-Status’s conditions

▪︎Paralized:It reduced Pokémon’s speed by 75% and the opponent can’t move. Moves like Electro Ball gets beneficts from this condition.Electric type Pokémon can’t be paralized while Ground types yes but only if they hit a Pokémon with Static through a move with cause contact.

▪︎Burn:It reduced the damages dealt from physical attack and it loses some HP at the end of the turn. Moves like Scald have an high probability to leave the opponent burned.Fire types can’t be burned.

▪︎Asleep:The Pokémon fall asleep for 2 to 5 turns and can’t use any move except if they know Sleep Talk.Rest let the Pokémon recover the HP completely.

▪︎Confusion:the pokemon has some probability to hit themselves.Moves like Swagger leave the opponent confused

▪︎Freezed:the Pokémon get freezed and can’t move.You can leave this status by using a Fire type move or Scald.

▪︎Poisoned:The Pokémon get poisoned and lose some HP at the end of the turn.Steel type can be poisoned but only if the Pokémon is a Salandit/Salazzle

-Weather’s conditions

▪︎Rain:It increases the power of Water type Pokémon and Thunder never miss.

▪︎Sunlight:it increases the power of Fire type Pokémon

▪︎Hail/Snow:Hail caused non Ice types to love HP at the end of the turn and Blizzard never miss.This get substituted by Snow that increased the defense of the Ice type Pokémon

▪︎Sandstorm:it increases the defense of the Rock type Pokémon.

There’re some moves that can change a battle based on the type(like Stealth Rock,Salt Cure,Spikes)and heal a Pokémon(like Leech Seed)or powerUp a type/disable some status’s conditions(essentially all the terrain moves like Grassy Terrain or Defog).Learning how to use each of them will increase your possibility to win a battle.

Natures,characteristics,IVs and Evs

Have you ever think what benefict a nature can do to a Pokémon?Well,each nature increase a specific stat of a Pokémon when it level up and certain nature can also decrease a determinate stat. In addition let a Pokémon likes or dislike a determinate type of Poffin(Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)or Pokéblock(Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire).

These natures can be changed by breeding your Pokémon with another that has the same egg group or Ditto. If you breed your Pokémon you can get also new moves that naturally a Pokémon can’t learn(egg moves). Each Pokémon has also a characteristic that can influence the IVs(Individual Values)of a Pokémon that can make it strong or weak and can influence also a stat as well .

From what you can see,you can have a nature that increase a stat but also a characteristic that increase another stat(for example if you get a Timid Piplup that it’s capable to taking hits,this Piplup will have 31 Ivs in Defense than in Speed so it’ll have a higher Defense stat than it’s Speed stat).While you breed a Pokémon you can obtain a Pokémon that will have more than one stat with 31 Ivs and if you put two Pokémon from different places you can have more possibility to get a shiny Pokémon. This method is the best way to get a perfect Pokémon with the nature that you want,good IVs and shiny in one time(If you’ve a Oval Charm and Shiny Charm for increase the quantity of egg obtained and the possibility to get a shiny).For pass the nature that you want,the Pokémon with that nature have to get a Everstone while the Pokémon with a lot of good IVs(there’re Dittos with 6 Ivs online)have to get a Destiny Knot when you put them in the Daycare.

Like i say before,this tech is more effective in the Pokémon Sun/Moon/Ultrasun/Ultramoon. This video explain how to “shiny swap":


If you don’t want to stay hours and hours into breeding your Pokémon for get a perfect IVs and you aren’t interested to shiny hunt,always in Sun/Moon/Ultrasun/UltraMoon but also in Let’s go Pikachu/Eevee/Sword/Shield/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl there are the Silver Bottle Cap and Gold Bottle Cap that can help enhance the IVs of a Pokémon. The Silver one increase only one stat at once while the gold one increase all the individual stats on the same time.

In S/V there isn’t the day care but you can breed your Pokémon with same differences. For more info i invite you to check out these detailed guides here:https://pokecharms.com/guides/breeding-guide-how-to-find-pokemon-eggs-in-pokemon-scarlet-violet/

How to train your Pokémon

In total a Pokémon can gain 510 Evs(252 max divided between two stats).There’re various methods for training your Pokémon in the main games:

-Exp.Share: this item now it’s a key item that can’t be turn off in Sword/Shield/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Thanks to this item you share the experience for level up your Pokémon and the EVs that a Pokémon can yield once defeated with the other undefeated membersof the team. This is useful especially if you want to make a full Special team or Physical team(which need 252 Evs on Special Attack or Attack for have their stat at max).If the Pokémon with the Exp. Share has Pokérus, the amount of effort points received is doubled.Here’s a list: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield

-Power Items: Power Items are hold items that will increase the amount of EVs gained per battle. Each relates to a specific stat and will give you 4 additional EVs in that stat(Power Weight for HP,Power Bracer for Attack,Power Belt for Defense,Power Lens for Special Attack,Power Band for Special Defense and Power Anklet for Speed).You can get these for 16 BP at the Battle Park. This doesn’t affect the EVs shared with the rest of the team.In Pokémon Violet the EVs’s distribution and training is the same but with some changements. Here’s the guide for it:https://marriland.com/guides/ev-training/scarlet-violet/

-Macho Brace:The Macho Brace lowers a Pokémon’s speed in battle while held, but doubles the amount of EVs gained

Wings:These new items get introduced in Black and White’s games.The Wing items raise the corresponding EV by 1 point. However, they are not subject to the same limit as vitamins and can be used for the full 255 EVs if you had that many. The Wings are:

Health Wing (HP)

Muscle Wing (Attack)

Resist Wing (Defense)

Genius Wing (Sp. Attack)

Clever Wing (Sp. Defense)

Swift Wing (Speed)

-Vitamins:These items, purchaseable from the big department store in each game (Veilstone/Lilycove/Golenrod/Celadon), give your Pokémon 10 EVs in the corresponding stat. Vitamins are not affected by any of the other items or Pokérus.
There is a limit of 10 per stat, however they only work on the first 100 EVs. If you already gained 90 Attack EVs by battling, you can only use one Protein, not 10. Each costs $9800 in the shops or 1 BP (Battle Point) at the Battle Park. The vitamins are as follows:

HP Up (HP)

Protein (Attack)

Iron (Defense)

Calcium (Sp. Attack)

Zinc (Sp. Defense)

Carbos (Speed)

Pokérus:Not an item as such, but a so-called Pokémon Virus. However, this virus is actually beneficial! The chances of catching Pokérus are quite low, and it’s not something you can affect yourself. If your Pokémon get the virus, the nurse at the Pokémon Center will inform you and there will be a purple PKRS on their info screen.
The virus spreads to other Pokémon in your party as they battle, but it will disappear after a Pokémon has been in your party for around 24 hours. Pokémon stored in the PC will keep Pokérus indefinitely.
All Pokémon with Pokérus will receive double EVs, after other calculations with items are taken into account. Even after the virus has gone, the Pokémon will still receive these beneficial effects! (Pokémon who have overcome the virus have a smiley face on their info screen.)
As an example, battling a Luxio gives you 2 Attack EVs. With the Pokérus this is doubled to 4. If it is holding the Macho Brace, this is quadrupled to 8. If it’s holding the Power Weight, you’d normally gain 4 HP and 2 Attack EVs, but with Pokérus this is doubled to 8 HP and 4 Attack. And of course, if it was holding the Power Bracer you’d net a huge 12 EVs for one battle! Not bad,eh?

-Super Training: this system is an exclusive feature of the X/Y/OR/AS’s games.This feature allows the player to increase effort points for each stat individually, or remove all effort points from a Pokémon entirely. Super Training Regimens feature minigame activities where the Pokémon attacks various balloons with footballs/soccer balls, which award effort points for the stat of the player’s choosing as well as awarding a Training Bag. Training Bags also typically increase effort points, though some of them have other effects—such as the Double-Up Bag, which doubles the number of effort points awarded after a Regimen, or the Reset Bag, which reduces all effort points on a single Pokémon to zero.
EV-altering juices(HG/SS/X/Y): In the X/Y’s games,EV-altering juices can be made or bought at the Juice Shoppe in Lumiose City. If the player mixes two Berries of the same color, they will produce an EV Juice that raises a stat corresponding to the Berries' color by an amount depending on the Berries used; pre-made EV Juices can also be purchased from the Juice Shoppe, with the available juices varying each day. If the player mixes a Kee and Maranga Berry, they can produce the Perilous Soup, which reduces all effort points on a single Pokémon to zero.
Super Training exposes base stats to the player for the first time. Using a Reset Bag will numerically display the effort points a Pokémon just had, which can be reverted by restarting without saving. Additionally, high-level Pokémon can determine their individual values mathematically by inspecting the values of their stats after a Reset Bag is used.
Poké Pelago(Sun/Moon/UltraSun/UltraMoon): this feature replaces the Super Training and allows to passive EV-training your Pokémon currently stored in the PC. On Isle Evelup, these Pokémon can be let out to play on one of three structures on the isle, with up to six Pokémon allowed per group. Each round lasts for thirty minutes, with a maximum of 99 per session allowed. The player can end play sessions early, and will keep all progress from hitherto completed rounds. Pokémon in play sessions cannot be accessed from the PC, but their Summaries can be checked while on Isle Evelup. During play sessions, special, purpose-made juices are given to the Pokémon, allowing for increases in effort points per stat. The effectiveness of these juices is determined by Isle Evelup’s level(Level 1:1 EVs,Level 2: 2 EVs,Level 3: 4 EVs).Since the maximum EVs a Pokémon can get in any one stat is 252, it would take 63 sessions at Level 3 to max out one stat, for a total time of 31 hours and 30 minutes. This time can be cut in half by placing Poké Beans in the crate on the island.

SOS battles(Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon):Most wild Pokémon can call an ally for help, turning a regular wild battle into an SOS Battle. All wild Pokémon summoned this way have their EV yields doubled upon being defeated. Thus, if a Pokémon holding a Power Weight and infected with Pokérus defeats a Caterpie, which gives 1 HP EV, it will earn 18 HP EVs; however, a Caterpie that is called as an ally will instead yield 36 HP EVs. In this way, only 7 ally Caterpie must be defeated to max out HP.

-Seminars from Hammerlocke University(Sword/Shield): they raises their EVs by 4 per hour; these Poké Jobs are always available (once unlocked) and can be used repeatedly.

But if i’ve give too much Evs to a Pokémon and i want to remove some of them,what i can do?

The answer is easy. Just use the EV-reducing berries.

They are useful if you miscount EVs or simply want to change the EV distribution:

Pomeg Berry (HP)

Kelpsy Berry (Attack)

Qualot Berry (Defense)

Hondew Berry (Sp. Attack)

Grepa Berry (Sp. Defense)

Tamato Berry (Speed)

If you have over 100 EVs in a stat, the first berry will reduce them to 100, while further berries will decrease the EVs by 10. Therefore if you want to remove all EVs you will need 11 berries for the stat.

If you play the Sword/Shield games,in the Isle of Armor there’s an NPC on one of the islands in the Workout Sea named Lady Clear will offer to completely reset the EVs of any Pokémon for 10 pieces of Armorite Ore.

In Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl the training’s method is equal to the old games.

In Legends Arceus,instead,doesn’t exist EVs and IVs but each Pokémon’s stat get influenced by nature and characteristic. For raise their stats to max you’ve to use special items like Grit Dust(you can use it if your stat is on level 0 to 3),Grit Gravel(you can use it if your stat is on level 4 to 6),Grit Pebble(you can use it if your stat is on level 7 to 9),Grit Rock(you can use it if your stat is on level 10).You can get these items once you defeated an Alpha Pokémon,releasing Pokémon or you can buy it from Zisu(this character let you master new moves by exchanging money and power up them with a Seed of Mastery).

Special Mechanics

In quite each Pokèmon’s games there’s a Special mechanic that can be used by Empoleon for become stronger.Here it is the ones that Empoleon can use:

-Z moves(S/M/US/UM): a Z moves that increase the move’s power(attack move)or power up the Pokemon(status moves)

-Teracrystallization(S/V):a Pokémon can teracrystalize into a specific type for get a power up or a changement of type but they get always the boost from their original type but getting the weakness only of the teratype. For example a Water-Steel type with a ghost teratype will get the same boost from water and steel type attacks,get a power up of ghost type’s moves and became weak only to dark and ghost type moves.

Empoleon’s general overview

Empoleon is a Water/Steel type Pokémon with a total of 10 resistance(Water,Steel,Rock,Flying,Bug,Dragon,Psychic,Normal,Ice,Fairy)and one immunity(Poison)*.

It’s also one of the Pokémon with the Highest Special Attack than other starters. Here’s Empoleon min and max stat based on natures and IVs.

Empoleon’s stats are slightly different in Legends Arceus(image taken from Serebii.com)

Empoleon’s main ability is Torrent while its hidden ability is Defiant(from B/W to BD/SP,in S/V its hidden ability is Competitive(raises the Sp.Attack by 2 once one of its stats get reduced through an ability/move.Like Defiant but it affect the Sp.Attack).

Empoleon’s best natures

Empoleon’s best natures are without doubt the ones that increase his Special Attack like Modest or Quiet that decrease respectively Attack and Speed. The Quiet one is a better choice if you want to use a team based on the move Trick Room. If you want to increase his Speed stat the best natures are Jolly and Timid.If you want a physical attacker Empoleon the best natures are Adamant and Brave(only Trick Room team like the Quiet one). The best nature for a Defensive Empoleon are Bold(i suggest it the most in this case)and Calm(less suggested).

Empoleon’s best moves

This Pokemon has a lot of useful moves that can be used in both story mode and online battles. Empoleon isn’t in the SW/SH games so when i talk about all the main games i talk about all the previous main games.Here are all the useful moves that can be used by Empoleon,in what game they can be used and the way for obtain it:

*Before the 6 Generation Empoleon(like the other steel Types) has 11 resistance and one immunity. These two resistance are Ghost and Dark,that get removed with the addition of the Fairy type.

-Aqua Ring(Status,Water,From D/P/PL to BD/SP,PP 20):This move help Empoleon recover 1/16 of his/her Max HP after the end of every turn.If Empoleon is holding a Big Root when Aqua Ring restores his/her HP,the amount of HP restored is increased by 30%.This move can be obtained only by eggmove.All the possible fathers are:

Pokémon that learn the move by egg move:

-From the Group Field:Male Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon,Buizel/Floatzel,Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein,Wailmer/Wailord,Panpour/Simipour,Popplio,Brionne,Primarina

-From the Group Water 1:Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise,Clamperl/Huntail,Wingull/Pelipper;

Pokémon that learn the move by learnset:

-From the Group Field:Seel/Dewgong,Vaporeon

-From the Group Water 1:Alomomola,Marill/Azumarill,Gorebyss,Corsola,Milotic,Ducklett/Swanna,Tympole/Palpitoad,Seismitoad,Mantine,Araquanid,Dewpider

-Flail(Physical,Normal,100% Accuracy,PP 15(max 24),From D/P/PL to BD/SP):The fewer PS the user has,the more damage the move causes.Obtainable only by Egg move. Compatible fathers:

-By learnset:

Group Field:Beartic,Bewear,Cubchoo,Bunnelby,Diggersby,Donphan,Dunsparce,Komala,Linoone,Msmoswine,Phanpy,Piloswine,Slaking,Slakoth,Spinda,Stufful,Swinub,Torkoal,Vigoroth,Zigzagoon

Group Water 1:Clauncher,Clawitzer,Corsola,Croconaw,Feraligatr,Totodile,Milotic,Feebas,Palpitoad,Seismitoad,Relicanth,Stunfisk,Tympole

-by Eggmove:

-Group Field:Buneary,Lopunny,Cinccino,Minccino,Eevee,Espeon,Umbreon,Glaceon,Leafeon,Jolteon,Flareon,Vaporeon,Sylveon,Empoleon,Piplup,Prinplup,Farfetch’d,Meowth,Meowth(Alolan),Persian,Persian(Alolan),Ninetales,Ninetales(Alolan),Vulpix,Vulpix(Alolan),Pachirisu,Patrat,Watchog,Glameow,Purugly,Pikachu,Raichu,Raichu(Alolan),Sandshrew,Sandshrew(Alolan),Sandslash,Sandslash(Alolan),Todegemaru,Zangoose

Group Water 1:Blastoise,Squirtle,Wartotle,Tirtouga,Carracosta,Horsea,Kabuto,Kabutops,Kingdra,Seadra,Lombre,Lotad,Ludicolo,Octillery,Remoraid

-Mud Slap(Special,Ground,100% Accuracy,PP 10(max 16),Power 20).This move has the 100% of possibility to reduce the Accuracy of the opponent and let their attacks miss the opponents.Obtainable by Egg move.Compatible fathers:

By Learnset:

-Group Field:Bunnelby,Diggersby,Diglett,Diglett(Alolan),Dugtrio,Dugtrio(Alolan),Drilbur,Excadrill,Dunsparce,Gumshoos,Yungoos,Sandile,Krokorok,Krookodile,Mamoswine,Swinub,Piloswine,Mudbray,Mudsdale

-Group Water 1:Gastrodon,Shellos,Stunfisk,Mudkip,Marshtomp,Swampert

By Eggmove:

-Group Field:Bouffalant,Buizel,Floatzel,Cinccino,Minccino,Donphan,Phanpy,Farfetch’d,Empoleon,Piplup,Prinplup,Lillipup,Herdier,Stoutland,Zigzagoon,Linoone

-Group Water 1:Relicanth

Now Empoleon can learn Mud Slap through MT 05 in S/V

-Agility(Status,Psychic,From D/P/PL to BD/SP,PP 30):Empoleon rise his/her Speed by 2 levels every time it get used(max 6 times). Can be obtained only by Eggmove. All compatible fathers are:

Pokémon that learn the move by egg move:

From the Group Field:Ampharos,Blaziken,Combusken,Deerling,Dunsparce,Empoleon,Flaaffy,Lucario,Mareep,Piplup,Prinplup,Sawsbuck,Torchic,Ninetales(Alolan),Vulpix(Alolan)

Pokémon that learn the move by learnset:

From the Group Field:Aipom,Ambipom,Arcanine,Blitzle,Buizel,Buneary,Bunnelby,Diggersby,Emolga,Farfetch’d,Floatzel,Girafarig,Growlithe,Jolteon,Lopunny,Pikachu,Ponyta,Raichu,Alolan Raichu,Rapidash,Sneasel,Weavile,Zebstrika,Zoroark,Zorua

From the Group Water 1:Dragonair,Dragonite,Dratini,Feraligatr,Gorebyss,Horsea,Kingdra,Mantine,Masquerain,Pelipper,Seadra,Surskit,Wingull

Now Empoleon can learn Mud Slap through MT 04 in S/V

-Steel Wing(Physical,Steel,PP 25,Power 70/Accuracy 90): has the 10% of increase Empoleon’s Defense by 1 level. This move can be learned with the MT45(D/P/PL)and with the MT 51(X/Y/S/M/US/UM).Super Effective against Rock,Ice and Fairy Types.

-Liquidation(Physical,Water,PP 10,Power 85,Accuracy 100%):Empoleon can learn this move by Move Tutor only in S/M and US/UM(in BD/SP Empoleon can use it only if he/she learns this move in S/M/US/UM and get transfered in these games with Pokémon Home,he can learn it in LA)and MT 11 in S/V.Empoleon has the 20% of possibility to lower opponent’s defense by 1 level.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.

-Iron Defense(Status,Steel,PP 15):Rise Empoleon’s Defense by 2 levels. Empoleon can learn this move by Move Tutor in all the main games(in BD/SP Empoleon can use it only if he/she learns this move in the previous games and get transfered in this games with Pokémon Home)and MT 104 in S/V.

-Earthquake(Physical,Ground,PP 10,Power 100,Accuracy 100%): The Power of the move become 200 if it hit opponents that are using Dig,become 50 in double battles/triple battles or if grass terrain is active.Super Effective against Rock,Fire,Steel,Poison and Electric Types(even if they’re using Magnet Rise or have the ability Levitate). In double/triple battles hit all the opponents around Empoleon,included his Allies. Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the MT 26 and MT 149 in S/V.

-Bulldoze(Physical,Ground,PP 20,Power 60,Accuracy 100%).This move reduce opponents Speed by 1 level.The power of this move become 30 if Grassy Terrain is active. This move in double battles hit all the opponents around Empoleon,included his Allies and in triple battles hit only the opponents adjacent to Empoleon.Empoleon can learn this move from B/W to US/UM with the MT 78 and MT 28 in S/V.Super Effective against Rock,Fire,Steel,Poison and Electric Types(even if they’re using Magnet Rise or have the ability Levitate)

-Surf(Special,Water,PP 15,Power 90(95 only in D/P/PL and B/W/B2/W2),Accuracy 100%):This move in double battles hit all the opponents around Empoleon,included his Allies and in triple battles hit only the opponents adjacent to Empoleon.The power of this move become 180 if hit opponents that are using Sub. Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the HM 03(From D/P/PL to X/Y),MT 94(S/M/US/UM)and MT 123 in S/V.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.

-Blizzard(Special,Ice,PP 5,Power 110(120 only in D/P/PL and B/W/B2/W2),Accuracy 70%). This move hit all enemies in double battles and in triple battles hit only the opponents adjacent to Empoleon. It never miss if there’s the Hail on the battlefield or after used the move Hail. Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the MT 14 and MT 143 in S/V.Super Effective against Grass,Flying,Dragon and Ground types. It has the 10% of freeze the opponents.

-Avalanche(Physical,Ice,PP 10,Power 60,Accuracy 100,%).This move have a power of 120 if Empoleon get hit during the turn.Empoleon always attack after his opponent.Empoleon can learn this move only in D/P/PL/BD/SP with the MT 72 and MT 46 in S/V.Super Effective against Grass,Flying,Dragon and Ground types.

-Icy Wind(Special,Ice,PP 15,Power 55,Accuracy 95%). This move reduce opponent’s speed by 1 level. In double battles hit all the opponent’s in the battlefield and in triple battles hit only the opponents adjacent to Empoleon.Super Effective against Grass,Flying,Dragon and Ground types. Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the Move Tutor or by eggmove. The compatible fathers are:

Pokémon that learn the move by learnset:

-From the Group Field:Beartic,Brionne,Cubchoo,Dewgong,Glaceon,Mamoswine,Ninetales(Alolan),Piloswine,Popplio,Primarina,Seel,Sneasel,Swinub,Vulpix(Alolan),Weavile

Pokémon that learn the move by eggmove:

-From the Group Field:Delibird,Empoleon,Piplup,Prinplup,Spinda

From the Group Water 1:Kabuto,Kabutops

Now Empoleon can learn Icy Wind through MT 43 in S/V.

-Flash Cannon(Special,Steel,PP 10,Power 80,Accuracy 100%). This move has the possibility of 10% of decrease opponents’s Special Defense by 1 level.Super Effective against Rock,Ice and Fairy Types.Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the MT 91 and MT 93 in S/V.

-Ice Beam(Special,Ice,PP 10,Power 90(95 in D/P/PL/B/W/B2/W2),Accuracy 100%).This move has the 10% of possibility of freeze the opponent.Super Effective against Grass,Flying,Dragon and Ground types.Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the MT 13 and MT 143 in S/V..

-Scald(Special,Water,PP 15,Power 80,Accuracy 100%). This move has the 30% of possibility of cause a burn to the opponent.Empoleon can learn this move from B/W to US/UM with the MT 55.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types. This move destroy the ice(freeze status)if your Empoleon get freezed by an ice type’s move.

-Waterfall(Physical,Water,PP 15,Power 80,Accuracy 100%). This move has the 20% of possibility to cause a flinch to the opponent.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.Empoleon can learn this move in all the main games with the MN 07(D/P/PL),MN 05(From B/W to X/Y) and MT 98(S/M/US/UM)and MT 77 in S/V.

-Brine(Special,Water,PP 10,Power 65/130,Accuracy 100%).This move have a power of 130 when Empoleon’s opponent has less than 50% of his/her HP.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.Empoleon learn this move when it reach level 34.

-Drill Peck(Physical,Flying,PP 20,Power 80,Accuracy 100%).Empoleon learn this move when it reach the level 52.Super Effective against Grass,Bug and Fighting Types.

-Power Trip(Physical,Dark,PP 10,Power 20(base),Accuracy 100%). The more Empoleon’s stats are raised,the greater the moves power. If one of Empoleon stats get decreased when the others get raised,the move’s power doesn’t change.Super Effective against Ghost and Psychic types. Empoleon can learn this move only in S/M/US/UM by egg move. The compatible fathers are:

Pokémon that learn the move by learnset:

-From the group Field:Krookodile

Pokémon that learn the move by eggmove:

-From the group Field:Empoleon,Incineroar,Krokorok,Litten,Torracat,Prinplup,Piplup,Sandile,Pancham,Pangoro,Mankey,Primeape.

This move can be used in BD/SP only if your Empoleon came from the US/UM’s games(via Pokémon Home).

-Bide(Physical,Normal,PP 10,Accuracy 100%). Empoleon doing nothing for 2 turns. At the end of the 2 turn Empoleon unleash energy,dealing twice the HP damages it received during the 2 turns. This move deals fixed,typeless damage,so it will hit also Ghost types. It also ignores changes to accuracy and evasion stats and can hit also during the invincible stage of Bounce,Fly,Sub,Dig,Dive,Shadow Force or Sky Drop. In double/triple battle,Bide hits the last Pokémon to attack Empoleon. Including teammates. Empoleon learn this move when it reach level 24.

-Aqua Jet(Physical,Water,PP 20,Power 40,Accuracy 100%).With this move Empoleon is able to attack first then his opponent except if the opponent use a move with the some priority(ex Vacuum Wave)or faster(Extreme Speed).Empoleon can learn this move when he/she evolve from Prinplup on level 36.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.

-Hydro Pump(Special,Water,PP 5,Power 110(120 from D/P/PL to B2/W2),Accuracy 80%). Empoleon can learn this move when it reach the level 59.Super Effective against Rock,Ground and Fire types.Empoleon can learn it through Level Up,Egg move and MT 142 in S/V.

-Grass Knot(Special,Grass,PP 20,Accuracy 100%). The power of this move is dipendent from the weight of Empoleon’s opponent. The heavier is the opponent,the stronger the power(20,<10Kg),(40<25Kg),(60,<50Kg),(80<100kg),(100<200kg),(200>=200Kg). For know the weight of each Pokemon,check out the description of the relative Pokemon. Super Effective against Water,Ground and Rock types. Empoleon can learn it through MT 86 from D/P/PL to US/UM and MT 81 in S/V.

-Hidden Power Psychic/Electric/Grass/Ground or Flying type(Special,PP 15,Accuracy 100%).From D/P/PL to B2/W2 the power(from 30 to 70)and the type of this move change in base of the IVs(Hidden Values)of Empoleon.From X/Y to US/UM the power of the move is always 60 but the type remain indipendent for the IVs of Empoleon. Here’s the exact combination for obtain the specific Hidden Power(When i write 0 the ivs need to be 0,When i write 30 the ivs need to be an even number,When i write 31 the ivs need to be an odd number. For a better explanation about Hidden Power check out this video:https://youtu.be/OdX9LJl-Cj4



























-Roost(PP 10/Accuracy 100%):Empoleon rests and restores his HP.Empoleon can learn it through Level Up in Legends Arceus and as Egg move in S/V with these pokemon as fathers(they have to know the move):Dragonite,Dunsparce,Dudunsparce,Wingull,Pelipper,Ducklett,Swanna,Wattrel,Kilowattrel,Piplup,Prinplup,Empoleon

-Wave Crush(Water,Physical,Power 75,Accuracy 100%,PP 10):Empoleon slams into the opponent with his body covered of water.Empoleon takes recoil damages but it increase his/her action’s speed.Empoleon can learn it in Legends Arceus and S/V through Level Up.

-Work Up:(Normal,30 PP)this move increases Empoleon’s Attack and Special Attack by one level.Empoleon can learn it only in X/Y/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.

-Disarming Voice(Fairy,Special,PP 15,Power 40,Accuracy 100%)Empoleon can learn it with TM 19(S/V)

-Air Cutter(Flying,Special,PP 25,Power 60,Accuracy 95%):This move has high critical hit’s ratio and can hit both opponents in a double battle.Empoleon can learn it with TM 40(S/V)

-Air Slash(Flying,Special,PP 15,Power 75,Accuracy 95%):It can make the user flinch and not let it attack for that turn.Empoleon can learn it with TM 65(S/V)

-Ice Spinner(Ice,Physical,PP 15,Power 80,Accuracy 100%):This move destroy the current terrain’s move.Empoleon can learn it with TM 124(S/V)

-Water Pledge(Water,Special,PP 10,Power 50(B/W/B2/W2,Accuracy 100%):When two allies attempt to use Water Pledge and either Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge on the same turn, the ally moving first will not itself use a move, but instead the ally moving second will use a combined attack with a power of 150 and an additional effect immediately after it:

  • If Water Pledge and Fire Pledge are used in the same turn, the ally moving second will use Water Pledge with a power of 150, and create a rainbow on the user’s side of the field for four turns. The rainbow doubles the probability of additional effects taking place for moves used by that side of the field (including the chance of flinching caused by King’s Rock and Razor Fang, but not including Secret Power); this effect is cumulative with Serene Grace for chances to cause a stat change or inflict a status, but not for chances to cause flinching. Due to the way certain secondary effects are handled, this can lead to an overflow glitch.
  • If Water Pledge and Grass Pledge are used in the same turn, the ally moving second will use Grass Pledge with a power of 150, and create a swamp on the target’s side of the field for four turns. This swamp quarters the Speed of all Pokémon on that side of the field.

If a Pokémon uses one Pledge move and a partner has selected another Pledge move, but none of its partners are able to use their selected Pledge move that turn (e.g. paralysis, Sky Drop, etc.), no move will be executed.Empoleon can learn it through move tutor(B/W to US/UM) and TM 145 in S/V.

-Steel Beam(Steel,Special,PP 5,Power 140,Accuracy 95%):This move let the user lose 1/2 of their HP.Empoleon can learn it through Move tutor in Legends Arceus and TM 170(S/V)

-Tera Blast(Any type,Physical or Special,PP ,Power 80,Accuracy 100%):if the user is teracristalized,this attack use the teratype’s type and the user attack with its higher stat(Attack or Sp.Attack).Empoleon can learn it with TM 171(S/V)

-Vacuum Wave(Fighting,Special,PP 30,Power 40,Accuracy 100%):The user attack first than the opponent.Empoleon can learn it with TM 184(S/V)

-Weather Ball(Normal/Rock/Water/Fire/Ice(depends on the weather),Special,PP 10,Power 50(100 if not a normal type move),Accuracy 100%):The user attack with a ball that change type and power based on the weather.Empoleon can learn it with TM 193(S/V)

-Flip Turn(Water,Physical,PP 20,Power 60,Accuracy 100%):the user attack the opponent and then get switched with another Pokemon but can’t switch out if it has an item/affected by a move that prevent to be switched.Empoleon can learn it with TM 196(S/V)

-Lash Out(Dark,Physical,PP 5,Power 75,Accuracy 100%):if the user’s stat gets lowered with the use of a move(not abilities),this attack’s power becomes 150.Empoleon can learn it with TM 199(S/V)

-Stealth Rock:(Status,Rock,Power:0,PP 20).The user set up rocks that hits the opponent once it enters the battlefield.Pokemon which are weak/quad weak to Rock gets even more damages to it.Empoleon can learn it through TM76 in D/P/PL,Move tutor in B/W/S/M/US/UM and TM 116 in S/V.

-Roar:(Status,Normal,Power:0,PP 20).It forces the opponent to be switched.Empoleon can learn it with ™ 05 from D/P/PL to US/UM and TM 172 in S/V

-Yawn:(Status,Normal,Power:0,PP 10).The opponent will fall asleep in the next turn.Empoleon can learn it as an Egg move.

-Metal Sound:(Steel,Accuracy:85%,PP:40).This move harshly drop the opponent’s special defense.Empoleon can learn it in Violet through TM 223

-Throat Chop:(Dark,Power:80,Accuracy:100%,PP:15).The opponent can’t use any sound based move for 3 turns. Empoleon can learn it in S/M/US/UM with a move Tutor and in Violet through TM 221

-Uproar(Normal,90 power,100% accuracy,10 PP)The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. During that time, no Pokémon can fall asleep.Empoleon can learn it only in S/V throgh MT191

-Psych Up(Normal,100% accuracy,10 PP)The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target.Empoleon can learn it only in S/V through MT203

Empoleon’s best team partners(in my opinion)

Here you’ll see some Pokémon which i think will be useful for build a valid team without using Legendary Pokémon.Remember that each team member have to be a specific function(physical/special wall,special/physical sweeper,tanker,supporter etc…).Here you’ll find some Pokémon(divided by type)that will make a great team with Empoleon:




-Electric:Pachirisu(Modest/Quiet),Heliolisk(Modest/Quiet),Jolteon(Modest/Timid/Quiet),Kanto Raichu(Adamant/Modest),Electivire(Adamant)


-Psychic:Slowking(Quiet),Alakazam(Modest),Espeon(Modest/Timid),Delphox(Modest),Alola Raichu(Modest/Timid)











-Ice:Alola Ninetales(Modest),Glaceon(Modest),Abomasnow(Modest)


For know which moves can learn each of these Pokémon check out Serebii here:https://www.serebii.net/pokemon/

Best Movesets for Empoleon

Here’s some movesets for Empoleon based on the nature.


▪︎Aqua Jet/Waterfall/Liquidation


▪︎Drill Peck

▪︎Agility/Swords Dance/Steel Wing/Power Trip

Legends Arceus only:

-Wave Crush/Liquidation



-Aerial Ace


▪︎Hydro Pump/Scald/Brine/Surf

▪︎Agility/Flash Cannon

▪︎Ice Beam/Icy Wind

▪︎Grass Knot/Hidden Power Grass or Electric or Ground

Legends Arceus only:

-Hydro Pump/Water Pulse

-Ice Beam/Icy Wind

-Flash Cannon/Steel Beam


-Calm/Bold(ability Torrent)


▪︎Iron Defense/Aqua Ring

▪︎Icy Wind

▪︎Bide/Mud Slap/Flail

New movesets(S/V edition)



Item:Assault Vest

Moves:Grass Knot,Vacuum Wave,Brine/Surf,Air Cutter/Air Slash,Flash Cannon,Disarming Voice,Weather Ball,Trra Blast



Item:Assault Vest

Moves:Flash Cannon,Ice Beam/Icy Wind,Air Cutter/Air Slash,Grass Knot,Brine/Surf,Disarming Voice,Weather Ball,Tera Blast



Moves:Ice Spinner,Lash Out/Knock Off,Liquidation,Avalanche,Earthquake,Drill Peck,Tera Blast




Moves:Roost,Aqua Ring,Brine/Surf,Flash Cannon/Steel Beam,Icy Wind,Grass Knot,Air Cutter,Disarming Voice,Tera Blast



Moves:Air Slash,Flash Cannon,Ice Beam/Ice Spinner,Brine/Surf/Liquidation,Earthquake,Grass Knot,Weather Ball,Tera Blast

Best strategies,best partners for team building and Tera Type’s strategies

Empoleon’s main role is to be an attacker and,with Competitive,it can become an awesome Special Sweeper.Though,it’s ten resistances and one immunity makes it perfect for defensive roles if you’ve one with the Calm/Bold nature.As special attacker the best natures are Modest,Timid and Quiet for increase its Special Attack at max.

Now time to see each moves:

-Water:Brine is the best choice overall since it turns from a base 65 power to a 130 base power once the opponent has 50% or less HP and it’s awesome in both Single and Double battles. If you’ve in mind to use Empoleon only in Single Battles,Surf is another alternative if you want a powerful attack from the start.For Double battles,Water Pledge is another valid alternative with its base 80 power and it has added effects if used with a Fire/Grass Pledge users(remember that they’ve to be Special Attackers too).Chilling Water is good in both Single and Double battles since it has a 100% possibility to decrease every Pokémon’s type’s Attack Stat(unlike Scald that has a 30% to deal a burn to every Pokémon except fire type Pokémon).

-Fire/Rock:If you’re in a team that use the Sunlight/Sandstorm weather,Weather Ball becomes an awesome Special 100 base power move that,combined with Empoleon’s high Special attack,it’ll deal lots of damages.It’ll get a boost if you use a Fire/Rock tera type Empoleon.

-Grass:Grass Knot is your grass type move for excellence but it hits based on the weight of the Pokémon,though consider that a full evolved Pokémon will have a weight around 60 to 100 or more so it’ll deals a damage with a 60/80/100 base power.

-Ice:Ice Beam is your best ice type move for cover grass,ground and dragon types but,if you’re in a team that uses the snow weather,Blizzard is better especially in Double battles.Icy Wind is good if you want to reduce both opponent’s speed too.

-Flying:Empoleon can learn both Air Cutter and Air Slash. Though Air Cutter will be better in Doubles since it lets you hit both Pokémon. Both has an high probability to make the opponent flinch.

-Fighting:Vacuum Wave is a high priority move that let you attack first and,alongside Empoleon’s High Sp.Attk,it’ll cause big damages to Rock,Steel,Normal,Ice and Dark types which have a low or non-invested Sp.Def.

-Electric/Fairy/Dark/Ground/Dragon:Tera Blast is your best option if you want to use these types for coverage. The best ones are Ground and Fairy types.

-Status moves:Roost is the best move that Empoleon has for recover but lets it takes neutral damages also by Rock type moves.Aqua Ring is another valid alternative since it lets Empoleon recover some HP each turn and with Big Roots it’s even more effective. For prevent and attack switch-ins,Stealth Rock is really good especially against Fire,Flying and Ice types and,if they’ve both types,it can reduce their HP to less than 50% and increase Brine’s power to 130.Roar is good for force your opponent to switch and for nullify Sp.Def users who use their turns for powerUp themselves first to attack.

Other strategies:Despite Empoleon has a way better use in Sp.Attk due to Competitive,Physical Empoleon can give a big tribute too and become a surprise card for an opponent who will put a Sp.defender on it.Liquidation and Waterfall are both good moves for decrease opponent’s defense(Liquidation)or make the opponent flinch(Waterfall),Earthquake is a 100 power move which can deal 200 power move if the opponent will use Dig and can cover the Electric type weakness,Drill Peck is a 80 base Power move which it’s useful against Fighting types and Grass types,Ice Spinner is useful for beat Stealth Rock and every terrain’s type attack,Power Trip will get a boost also through competitive since this move becomes powerful based on how much boosts Empoleon has.Like every Attacker it can be weakened by Scald/Will-o-Wisp burn or Chilling Water’s effect but don’t underestimate Physical Empoleons.Empoleon with Psych Up can copy dangerous buffs from an ally or opponent without rely too much on its hidden ability.Uproar literally shut up Yawn users.

Teammates:Pokemon who can powerUp themselves/steal buffs and Baton Pass the buffs to their teammates are very welcome for Empoleon,in particular Pokémon who can boost their Sp.Attk(Sylveon/Umbreon/Espeon,which can increase their Sp.Defense too or steal buffs),Defense(Vaporeon which can Baton Pass Aqua Ring too)and/or Speed(Jolteon/Flareon/Furret etc…).Tailwind users like Corviknight are useful for increase not only Empoleon’s Speed but also the other teammates’s Speed. Stealth Rock Setupper are useful too if you don’t want to use Empoleon defensively.Also if your team is Sp.Attk based,a physical attacker like Lucario is useful for break Sp.Def users with low/unboosted Defense.Other welcomed pokemon is Pachirisu since with Super Fang can reduce opponent’s HP into less than 50% with one turn and increase Brine’s power to 130,paralize the user with Nuzzle(if Empoleon is tera-Ground/Rock,Discharge is a valid alternative),and use Follow-Me/Helping Hand for attract other pokemon’s moves to itself or boost Empoleon’s next move.If your Empoleon has a Quiet nature,you need a Trick Room user.If you’ve a Pokemon with Taunt and/or Flatter you can prevent your opponent to not use boosting attacks like Shell Smash(Taunt) or lock them into one move(Flatter) for 3/5 turns and attack them with one of your moves/switch with a better Pokemon.Pokemon with Metal Sound and Helping Hand are even more appreciated since the first harshly drop the opponent’s Sp.Def and the second double the power of your move in a double battle.

-Tera Type strategies:You can use your tera type for cover your own weaknesses and got another coverage move(like for fairy type)or for build your strategy(like having a Ground/Flying type for help Discharge/Earthquake users).Choose your tera type also based on the team you want to make(like Rain/Snow/Sandstorm team or Mono Water/Steel team).

Good Apps for build your Pokémon team for free

If you want some good mobile apps for plan your Pokémon’s team with their moveset and EVs/IVs,i suggest these two free apps:



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And if you’re an Empoleon fan,Pokkén Empoleon player,VGC Empoleon user or an Empoleon artist,i invite you in my “Empoleon’s Empire” Discord server where we talk about Pokkén/VGC/TCG Empoleon,share arts and create Online Tournaments for Pokkèn Tournament DX. If you doesn’t have a Discord account but you want to create your account check out this Discord’s article: https://discord.onl/2019/01/24/how-to-create-a-discord-account/. And here’s my Discord server’s link:https://discord.com/invite/BWvDZXSupb

See you in a future guide for Empoleon.Goodbye.




Written by ItalNapoleon

Here you can find writed guides about the Emperor Pokémon Empoleon(Pokkèn Tournament DX, VGC,ecc).

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